Senior Spotlight: Linda

“It’s a blessing living independently in a safe community,” says 65-year-old Linda. 

Linda lives on the senior side of the Harris Family Senior Residence, Serving Seniors’ newest affordable and intergenerational housing community that opened in City Heights in 2022.  

“I love it here. Any place I live, I try to make it my home.” 

As you walk into Linda’s apartment, you immediately see bright, warm colors throughout the living room and kitchen. From the lime green couch to the light pink curtains, to plants and paintings, it’s clear that this is not just an apartment, but a haven of happiness and comfort. 

Born and raised in Ohio, Linda moved to San Diego over 10 years ago intrigued by the new opportunities the city could provide. She packed up all the belongings she could fit in her car and made the 33-hour drive excited for the future. However, her journey has had its ups and downs. 

“To be honest, I’m in a struggle right now because I moved here, and rent started to be too high, so I had a hard time finding places that were in my price range.” Ultimately, Linda had to move in with her brother in order to get by. However, the opening of the Harris Family Senior Residence became a beacon of light for Linda. 

She originally did not think she would get in because of the wait list but her decision to apply was life-changing. Now even though Linda is grateful, she worries about her housing stability due to the high rent prices and not relying on any subsidy that would help her to alleviate some financial hardships. 

“I love staying here. I love my apartment. But I’m concerned because I really can’t afford to stay here. I pay my rent with my social security so by the time I pay my rent, I have very little left over so it’s becoming a struggle. It’s hard.” In order to afford groceries, she must use her EBT.  

Despite these worries, Linda remains positive. She is happy to have her independence and be part of a community aiding her physical and mental well-being. Her involvement in activities like the garden club and fitness classes brings her joy and support. Her participation in the bone-building classes has been great for her fibromyalgia and she enjoys walking around the outside courtyard for exercise. 

Before moving into the Harris Family Senior Residence, Linda didn’t know anything about Serving Seniors and its services. Now, she benefits from regular meetings with her case manager, is enrolled in the Serving Seniors welfare check program, receives transportation assistance via our partnerships with Travelers Aid and At Your Home FamilyCare.  

“Serving Seniors saved my life,” says Linda. 

Your support can help Linda – and other seniors like her – continue to call this supportive community home. Donate today to make a difference in their lives. 

Even with affordable housing, seniors like Linda are still struggling to make ends meet with the increased cost of housing and grocery prices. Serving Seniors' Homelessness Needs Assessment provides proposed solutions to prevent seniors from falling into homelessness. Click here to see the report.