Get Meals
Serving Seniors offers nutritious meals designed in partnership with a Registered Dietician. Unlike similar programs, we never charge a fee, ensuring that no senior, regardless of income, ever has to go hungry.
Meal Options
Congregate Meals
We serve breakfast and lunch daily across multiple sites throughout San Diego County, as far south as San Ysidro to as far north as Oceanside. In addition to meeting the nutrition needs of our clients, this program acts, for many of our clients, as the center of their social lives. Lonely and socially isolated seniors are encouraged to engage with their peers and make friends, which contributes to physical and psychological wellness.
For a list of our congregate meal sites and meal times click here.
For general information about our meal programs, please call 619-235-6572.
Home Delivered
Two nutritious meals delivered Monday – Friday with weekend meals delivered on Thursday and Friday
Select Region below to see zip codes where we deliver
Frozen Meals
Serving Seniors provides a seven-pack of frozen meals delivered once a week. Delivery includes seven entrees, fruit, and powdered milk.
Meals delivered throughout County (need to tease out if we should specify zip codes or city)
Are you interested in receiving one of our no-cost meals?
You can fill out the form below to see if you qualify!